Philatelic Material used in the Traditional Exhibit:

In the partial exhibit (shown above) the focus on the First Revenues used in New Zealand. You will note that the exhibitor has told a story through the pages not just presented use with stamps and technical detail. This is very important as even in Traditional you must bring out the "why" these stamps were produced and "what" they were used for along side the philatelic information.

In a Traditional class exhibit you are looking to tell a story about a particular stamp or issues of stamps.

Some may say that traditional has the broadest of all the exhibiting classes, allowing for all aspects of philately to be included within the exhibit. However, the focus of any traditional exhibit remains on the postage stamp(s) and other material used should support the basic story around the stamps and why they were produced.

Traditional Exhibit Example - Revenue gathering Stamps of New Zealand

Philatelic Youth Council (PYC) New Zealand - Youth Philately

Phen putting your traditional class exhibit together look to bring your story line alongside the design to printing and usage of the stamp. You would generally start with any essay material and  then move into the pre printing areas covering if possible die proof, colour trials and plate proofs and or specimen stamps. Then you could then show first day issue and any variations, errors, colour shifts / shades. Usage of the stamp showing the correct commercial usage would be used to demonstrate the postal reason for the stamp, if applicable.

In the above sample pages the exhibitor has shown on Page 1 first day of issue usage of the revenue stamps and then taken us through the printing process used to generate the revenue stamps. On Page 2 there is a discussion on the shades of printing that occurred due to the bulk buying of revenue stamps by companies. The bottom of Page 2 and on into Page 3 reviews the separation techniques that started to be used from roulette to full perforations. Page 4 looks into the papers that were used and Page 5 shows us why a new die was created. As you can see from the sample here the exhibitor as a story nicely combined with the technical philatelic information.

Here is part of a traditional class  exhibit focusing on NZ Revenue Stamps

Click on an image above to get the full view of the relevant page.